The New Normal – Back to School!

August 22, 2020


Written by Ajay Gandecha

Hello friends! As August begins to come to a close, hundreds of thousands of students are returning, in part, to the classroom in our “new normal”. This week was also the first full week of my senior year of high school. Like many other students this year, I will be learning remotely for the entire school year.

So far, there have been both ups and downs throughout the week. All of my teachers have already adjusted their classes for remote learning. There have been a decent amount of issues, though. Most of the problems with remote learning lie in technical difficulties. WiFi problems, microphone, and video problems, and sign-in issues state-wide plagued the first few days.

Despite this, many students and teachers are doing a great job at staying positive during this time, and are doing all they can to replicate usual class activists. Many students are also excited to return to school. I know that personally, the structure of the school environment allows me to be more productive. Despite all of the work that comes with my senior year of high school, it keeps me accountable for assignments and how I spend my time. 

What are your thoughts on remote learning? I would love to hear your thoughts!