Topic: YouTube


December 8, 2020

One Year on YouTube

Today marks the one year anniversary of the first video that I posted to my YouTube channel, but to me, it seems just like yesterday. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this year has been simultaneously the shortest and the longest year of my life - and I am sure that this sentiment is the same for many people this year. It certainly does not feel like an entire year has passed, nor that I have recorded and posted over 100 videos to the YouTube channel.


June 5, 2020

1,000 Subscribers - Thank You!!

Hello friends! Recently, I hit 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! In addition, people from over a dozen countries have watched over 100,000 minutes worth of videos, and I am very grateful for all of you! Thank you all so much for following and watching my content! I am humbled by the kind comments I have received over the last few weeks, and I love answering your questions! As quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I will work even harder to release fun and informative videos on various topics, including extending into school-related topics and less technical, programming related videos. Don’t worry, though! I will certainly be making many more programming videos in the future, so stay tuned for that! Make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to be notified of new videos, and if you have a request for a video, feel free to comment on the latest video or message me on social media! I would love to hear from you.