

July 27, 2024

UNC’s Introductory Data Science Course Sequence

In last week’s post, I talked about how this academic year will likely be amongst the most exciting and consequential years for data science at UNC. I also talked about the new Data Science minor and ways to explore and get involved in data science on campus. However, many of you might be at the start of your college career here at UNC! You may not have taken any related courses yet, or might not even know anything about data science. Well, one of the best ways to explore an interest and learn more about a field at UNC is to take an introductory class!

Recent Articles


August 31, 2022

UNC’s Introductory Data Science Course Sequence

In last week’s post, I talked about how this academic year will likely be amongst the most exciting and consequential years for data science at UNC. I also talked about the new Data Science minor and ways to explore and get involved in data science on campus. However, many of you might be at the start of your college career here at UNC! You may not have taken any related courses yet, or might not even know anything about data science. Well, one of the best ways to explore an interest and learn more about a field at UNC is to take an introductory class!


August 22, 2022

An Exciting Year Ahead for Data Science at UNC

The upcoming 2022-2023 academic year will likely be amongst the most exciting and consequential years for the growth of data science at UNC. Between new programs, courses, and student and department-led events, students have greater access to explore data science than ever before and have the chance to integrate data science into their programs of study.


August 8, 2021

Early August Update

Hello friends! The last few months have certainly been very hectic. The college admissions season concluded a few months ago, and I graduated high school after over a year of remote learning. I would have never guessed how high school ended, and the conditions in which I would move into college, however I am extremely grateful for my family, friends, and teachers that still made senior year incredibly memorable.


December 8, 2020

One Year on YouTube

Today marks the one year anniversary of the first video that I posted to my YouTube channel, but to me, it seems just like yesterday. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this year has been simultaneously the shortest and the longest year of my life - and I am sure that this sentiment is the same for many people this year. It certainly does not feel like an entire year has passed, nor that I have recorded and posted over 100 videos to the YouTube channel.


August 22, 2020

The New Normal – Back to School!

Hello friends! As August begins to come to a close, hundreds of thousands of students are returning, in part, to the classroom in our “new normal”. This week was also the first full week of my senior year of high school. Like many other students this year, I will be learning remotely for the entire school year.


July 2, 2020

WWDC 2020 – My Thoughts + Why It Was Great

In the last few years, developers worldwide have flocked to the San Francisco Bay Area to participate in Apple's annual Worldwide Developer Conference. When there, developers could have access to individual one-on-one developer sessions, engineering workshops, and developer forums. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was no surprise that Apple would have to rethink this year's WWDC format. 


June 5, 2020

1,000 Subscribers - Thank You!!

Hello friends! Recently, I hit 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! In addition, people from over a dozen countries have watched over 100,000 minutes worth of videos, and I am very grateful for all of you! Thank you all so much for following and watching my content! I am humbled by the kind comments I have received over the last few weeks, and I love answering your questions! As quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I will work even harder to release fun and informative videos on various topics, including extending into school-related topics and less technical, programming related videos. Don’t worry, though! I will certainly be making many more programming videos in the future, so stay tuned for that! Make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to be notified of new videos, and if you have a request for a video, feel free to comment on the latest video or message me on social media! I would love to hear from you.


February 23, 2020

Developing PocketChem

Following the release of iOS 13 for mobile Apple devices, I was really excited to try out some of the new options and features released for developers. Dark mode, better integration with Apple Watch, and new native UI options such as swiping to close views were all added in iOS 13, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and try it out. 


January 26, 2020

The Making of Geogsmart

According to the United States Government Accountability Office, only 27% of 8th graders were proficient in geography in 2014, and 73% of students were below proficient. Part of the reason that the majority of 8th graders are below proficient in geography skills is because it is not a major part of the social studies curriculum, and it seems boring to many people. I concluded that people did not want to learn about geography because there was no fun and engaging way to do it. This simple idea pushed me to create my first iOS app, GeogSMART, in 8th grade. The app, while extremely basic and limited, got in the Top 5 for the Congressional App Challenge in 2017.